New Patients
Children under the age of 18 are cared for under the NHS.
Adult patients are initially seen on a private fee per item basis. If you wish to receive the many benefits of ongoing registration at the Village Dental Practice, we require that you join one of our monthly dental plans. Further information is given in the Dental Plans section of this website.
To make an initial consultation appointment please contact our reception team on 01792 814734, where they will be able to answer any questions you may have.
A charge of £70 is payable prior to booking an adults consultation appointment. This can be made over the phone or in person at the practice. This charge is held in credit until you have completed your course of treatment (or you decide that you do not wish to make any further appointments). Please note, this charge may be forfeited if you do not attend your appointment or cancel without giving 24 hours notice.
On making an appointment with us, it would be useful if you would bring a complete list of any medications you take, and arrive at the practice 15 minutes before your given appointment time so that we can help you complete some registration forms and a confidential medical history form. This helps us to provide treatment in the most appropriate and safest manner.
After your dentist has completed their initial examination, they will discuss with you your goals for oral health, and explain treatment options appropriate to help you achieve your desired goals. The nature, cost and prognosis for the treatments discussed will be fully explained. A written treatment plan will then be produced with full breakdown of costs, for you to consider before committing to any treatment.